I love Ikea fabric. It is so modern and stylish. One day I noticed that they had a free pattern for an envelope pillowcase. I thought, "My couch pillows do not match the new color scheme." It was then that I looked over and my eye locked on this fabric. I had to have it, and new pillows was a good enough excuse for me that I bought enough for two pillows (stupid me I didn't buy enough- I guess I will have to go back... darn).

Anyways, back to the pillows. I sat down at my craft table and read over the instructions. For some reason I couldn't grasp what was being shown and or written (if you have ever assembled anything by Ikea, you may know what I am talking about.) So after pondering over it for a minute I made it make sense. And away I went, measuring, cutting and sewing.
Ikea Instructions:

I hope you can make sense of it...
Here is what I did:

I found that I need the fabric 20 inches wide x 54 inches long. Lay fabric right side up.

Fold left end 15 1/2 inches toward the middle.

Fold right end 15 inches toward the middle, covering fabric previously folded over.

Each side of the square should measure 20inches (I used a 20in x 20in pillow)

Sew both sides, and turn right side out and wa-la you have an envelope pillowcase.

Much Better...
I do have some plain orange fabric and three more pillows I need to make cases for. To Be Continued...