Friday, June 3, 2016

Trailer Reno: Update and Priming the Inside

Last August, I left off with replacing the trailer floor. We ended the trailer summer project last year by getting the sides and back/front of the trailer back on, replacing structure that had rotted, rebuilding the wheel wells and also replacing some wall paneling.

Some Photos:

Even though we were no where near being done renovating this thing, we took it camping twice. We had a bathroom, heat, and a bathroom sink with running water. Way better than tent camping!

-Fast forward to Summer 2016-

We took the windows off, I scraped the butyl tape off each window and around the window holes. The hubby replaced butyl tape on trim pieces and caulked spots where water could potentially get in.

Before primer:

We then primed EVERYTHING inside the trailer with Kilz. By using Kilz, we also got rid of the icky stench that permeated the trailer.

This weekend, we are going to reseal the roof and paint inside. Stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. This is really cool!!! Pastor has been wanting a rv or a traylor. He would be jealous. ;)
