Let me start off by saying, "I LOVE this time of year!!!"

I found this picture on one of my many GOOGLE image viewing sessions. I immediately fell in love and had to have my own.

SO I went to the best place around to find plans for the "5 Board Bench." I went to Ana White's website (aka Knock Off Wood) and downloaded her plans. Go
HERE for the plans.

We went to the Home Depot to buy the wood. I think this whole project was around $100. Matt then spent a few hours building the benches for me.

All three after assembly.

I was really torn on what color to paint them. I thought red at first, but I thought it may clash, so I went with black instead.
Here they are decorated...

I even made some more "SQUARE PUMPKINS". I made smaller ones last year. GO
HERE for that tutorial.

And I made some more spraypaint pillows.

HERE for a tutorial on how to make pillows similar to these.
(I didn't use KRYLON Glitter Blast on these).
I will be adding these pillows to my Etsy Shop...
Love, Love,Love.....
Ok Jessica, you are making me super jealous. It's not fair that you husband can make all this cook wood stuff. Want to come and decorate my porch for me??? I'm trade you for...........ok, so I don't have anything good to trade you for.
I love it! I wish I had a bigger porch now!
Awesome!! Love it!! You truly are amazing!
Dang girl you are rocking out the good stuff! I LOVE the stuff you make!:)
These 3 benches are a great idea! I need something with some height on my front porch. Never thought to stack benches. Hmmmm... Came over via Lolly Jane
I love it!
Love the benches and the pumpkin squares. Great porch decorations!
I absolutely love these! I wish I had room on my porch for something like this. Love those square pumpkins too. Thanks so much for linking up to Finished for Friday.
I love this idea and you guys did such a great job. I wil have to add this to the honey-do list. Thanks for sharing!
Those are the coolest benches ever! I wish my husband would make some for me. Love your blog! You are so creative:)
love everything about this. so festive & warm! featuring you at our weekend long party starting tomorrow. come on over & grab a featured button. thanks for sharing your creativity with us all ;)
kelli & kristi
Hi Jessica!! This is Kirsti from Swaperoos- I LOVE your bench and adding this post to my pinterest list: fall decor. Love it!!
oh I soo would buy the oct 31st pillow stencil!!!
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